Saturday, March 5, 2011

march 5, 2011

Well, I am about the worse grandma ever - I haven't updated this blog for forever!!! Gabi is in medical foster care and has been there since last summer... and has been blossoming and has grown so big she is now in process of getting on the transplant list!! She is quite mobile, chubby, happy and healthy. She hasn't had a major illness since being in foster care. We don't get to see her much, but she is so beautiful... we love her so much!! She is back on peritoneal dialysis, and the doctors say this is her last chance - if it fails this time, she has no other veins to use for dialysis. Please pray that it doesn't fail, and that she gets a kidney soon. We covet your prayers. We do love her bunches. She has new prosthetic feet that are a much better fit, and so she is slowing learning to put up with them. She crawls quite well, and climbs onto and into everything! She makes very cute animal sounds, and her vocabulary is growing slowly but surely. If/when she gets her new kidney, she will be placed in an adoptive home. Please pray the LORD will bring Gabi just the right family, and that we will still be able to see her from time to time. Thank you!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Gabi is in the hospital again, and so adorable even there. Poor Baby has surgery again tomorrow to remove her dialysis catheters as they are blocked, both peritonial and hemi - catheter. Gabi has been pretty miserable with anemia and fevers... she has had two transfusions this week and her blood counts are still low. She will be getting a new dialysis cath placed next Thursday, and they are monitoring her blood chemistries and balancing them with medications until she can start dialysis again. it's just one dang thing after another. She is so sweet and deserves so much easier a life.... Pray she gets better soon!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 13th, 2010

Well, life in a sardine can with two crying babies is a bit hard.... said grandma. Caleb and Gabi have the flu, and cry a lot!!! Poor Caleb has an ear infection, and Gabi is still healing up from her last surgery. No fun! Gabi is home for now, but as soon as she gets well enough, she goes back for another surgery. This time they will be opening up her abdomen and trying to unstick all her organs... they got stuck together from all the inflammation from her peritonial infection. Hemo-dialysis is going ok, but the first day she had trouble with her BP and body temp dropping too far. It is a bit of a hassle going to the hospital 3 times a week, but feeding is easier as now she doesn't get all the suppliments she had been getting previously. We hope the next surgery is sucessful, so we can go back to peritonial dialysis... that way Jessica could get a job and actually go to her job on a regular basis. Right now she is always at the hospital for one reason or another. Poor mommy, with such sick kiddos all the time. We have gotten to know the hospital very well....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30th

I know,... forever again. I hardly ever get the computer anymore. Sorry! Please pray for Gabi, as she is very sick. She has been in the hospital since Sunday with a nasty virus that made her vomit a lot, and really messed up her blood chemistry. She is out of the PICU, but still in a lot of pain. Her dialysis tube is plugged, and needs to be removed. There is a high risk that there is too much scar tissue to be able to replace it, which means she would then have to be on hemi-dialysis. We really do not want her to have to go that route, but it is in God's hands. She has had a paretonial infection for a while, but we weren't able to kick it entirely due to the fact that Gabi is allergic to the medicine that would clear it up. Pray that replacing the tube will help clear it up, and that she heals quickly. She wil be one year old on Saturday, and I would like her to be able to enjoy her special day at home, without pain. Thanks for your prayers!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19th, 2010

Ok, I know it has been forever... I am such a bad grandma! Gabi is now 9 months old, and doing great. She is popping teeth at an alarming rate, and is up to 8 teeth now! Such a cute smile... Caleb has yet to get his first tooth. Gabi is getting very strong and active. It is a lot of fun seeing her play. Her eyes are still having a lot of trouble, so she is getting an MRI tomorrow to see what is going on with her brain and eyes. Most of the time she sees well close up, but sometimes her eyes go crazy and she is unable to look at anything due to her eyes bobbling everywhere. She will get glasses eventually, so that should help somewhat. Pray they find out why her eyes are so crazy, and pray it isn't anything serious, and hopefully fixable. She is so precious and sweet... she has the best giggle ever! Caleb is just plain loud, and is walking around furniture... at least until he falls! His poor head gets bonked a bit, so we are going to get a thick rug for him to play on. I hope it helps. Gabi doesn't crawl yet, as her arms are a bit short, but that doesn't seem to slow her down. She still gets where she wants to go, and she is getting very good at picking up and holding things. Her therapists are very encouraged. We love her so much!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 14, 2009

OK, so I am a terrible blogger... totally forgot to update! Gabi is doing so well, I just forgot. Guess what? Gabi finally figured out what her legs are for and is standing!! She never wanted to before, but now she wants to stand a lot! We are so excited for her! She is getting so big. She is over 12 pounds now, and is starting to eat solid food. She loves to bite with her 2 teeth. She has a very strong bite, and likes to see if she can peel Grandma's fingers. :-( It hurts!! She has been very fussy the last few days... I think she grasped the fact that if she fusses Mommy comes and picks her up and gives her attention a lot more. She loves to be held and snuggle. Unfortunately she likes to fuss at night, so Grandma is very far behind in her sleep.... Zzzzzzz. Oops, sorry about that! Very tired! She is doing great otherwise, and we are thrilled with her steady progress. She goes in to be evaluated for prosthetic hands and feet next week and it will be interesting to see what the Dr's decide. I hope she won't have to have much in the way of surgery... she has already had enough of that!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sept 11, 2009

Gabi is getting to be such a big girl!! She has been pretty fussy the past few days, and even had a trip to the ER due to bleeding around the g-port, (not serious, just her skin was rubbed too much by the port)... and guess why she's been fussy? She has her first new tooth coming in!!! She beat her brother to the first tooth. I can't wait to see how it looks once it is in all the way. I know I am terrible about putting in pictures... I promise I will download new pictures soon!! She is growing slowly but surely. Pray she keeps up the good work and that her tummy would settle down. Growing teeth seems to make the rest of Gabi kinda miserable. :-(